Life Insurance – Underwriting Guidelines


Underwriting Guidelines

The Brown, Brown & Gomberg/CPS team’s experience and carrier contacts assure you the best offer.  The below links will give you instant access to specific carrier underwriting information so you can give your client a general quote without wasting valuable time.  For more in-depth medical issues, we recommend you contact us directly so we can call an expert at the carrier to get a better idea as to where the client may be approved.  For more detailed issues we recommend you visit our Impaired Risk page and have the appropriate questionnaire completed so we can better underwrite the case.  This experience will save time and help you better manage client expectations as to the cost of coverage they need.

The links below provide instant access to specific carrier underwriting information – so you can give your clients general quotes without wasting valuable time. For more in-depth medical issuers, we recommend you contact us so we can speak with experts with our carriers and get a better idea where an individual may be approved. For other detailed issues, we recommend you visit our impaired risk page and complete the appropriate questionnaire.  This will save time, help you manage client expectations and enable us to better estimate the cost of coverage.